# ------------------------------- # HLR v1.0.0 config file # Created by despawningbone # ------------------------------- # Choose which worlds the tweaked hopper will work in. Enabled-in-worlds: - world # Here you can choose what type of items the tweaked hopper will take in. ItemList: # This includes all the common crops, i.e. Pumpkin, Cactus, Wheat, Seeds, Carrot, # Potato(including Poisonous ones), Sugarcane, Red/Brown Mushrooms, Melons and Nether warts. Crops: true # This includes all the common mob drops, i.e. Feather, Raw chicken, Raw Beef, Raw Porkchop, # Raw mutton, Spider eye, Ender pearl, Bone, Arrow, Wool, Iron Ingot, Blaze rod, Gunpowder, # String, Gold nugget, Slimeball, Ink sack, Leather and Rotten Flesh. Mob-drops: true # Here you can add the custom items you want to be taken in by the tweaked hopper. # Please use Bukkit's material list's name. Custom-items: # - EXAMPLE_MATERIAL - # Here you can set how many hoppers can be converted at once. # e.g. Max-amount: 5, players can't convert a stack of hoppers with more than 5 hoppers in it. Max-amount: 10 # Use permissions? Vault API required Use-permissions: true # Enable /converthopper cooldown? Cooldown: Enable: false Seconds: 30 # You can rename the tweaked hopper here. Hopper-name: "&3Farming &fHopper" # You can set the lore of the tweaked hopper here. Hopper-lore: - "&7This hopper is special." - "&7It can find specific items" - "&7And teleport the items to it instantly." # Use economy? Vault API required Eco: Use: false Conversion-fee: 0.0