Page MenuHomedesp's stash

No OneTemporary

diff --git a/ b/
index 5aa6d6b..9468d1d 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,135 +1,136 @@
- from lib.datatypes import * #local script
+try: #local script
+ from lib.datatypes import PictureMatrix, RGB, FusionLightData, FusionLightEffect, FusionLightColor, FusionLightDirection
from lib.device import get_device
-except ImportError:
- from .lib.datatypes import * #as a module
+except ImportError: #as a module
+ from .lib.datatypes import PictureMatrix, RGB, FusionLightData, FusionLightEffect, FusionLightColor, FusionLightDirection
from .lib.device import get_device
from cv2.typing import MatLike
+from typing import List
import sys, cv2, time, numpy, atexit
#10 is actually not transient - it is persistent as a secondary profile but for our purposes we can treat it as transient
#since nobody should have the need to write to a profile number this high (switching between profiles require os interaction anyways so might as well write a new image)
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(f'Usage: {__file__} <video path> [profile id]')
if len(sys.argv) >= 3:
profile = int(sys.argv[2])
if profile not in range(5):
raise TypeError()
print('Invalid profile id given, defaulting to transience (will be reverted after play (or reboot if interrupted))...')
profile = TRANSIENT_ID
profile = TRANSIENT_ID
dev = get_device()
orig_effect = dev.get_simple_light_effect()
#if transient, set it back to the old profile
if profile == TRANSIENT_ID:
def reset():
if orig_effect.fusion_effect < FusionLightEffect.Custom1:
load = PictureMatrix.from_bytes(dev.get_custom_light_effect(orig_effect.fusion_effect - FusionLightEffect.Custom1))
dev.set_custom_light_effect(profile, load)
#change to profile for the image stream first (technically only need to change if not transient and current profile is non custom, but we revert afterwards anyway)
#to avoid any flashing set to black first (mainly when we are in simple modes which means last seen image will be shown right when set_simple_light_effect is called)
dev.set_custom_light_effect(profile, PictureMatrix([RGB(0,0,0) for i in range(105)]))
#need to set it to one of the "proper" profiles for it to know to update
dev.set_simple_light_effect(FusionLightData(FusionLightEffect.Custom1 + profile if profile != TRANSIENT_ID else FusionLightEffect.Custom1, 1, 255, FusionLightColor.White, FusionLightDirection.Left2Right))
def set_frame(raw: MatLike, fps_data: List[float]) -> None:
pre = cv2.resize(raw, (19, 6), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
im = cv2.cvtColor(pre, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
#display what's supposed to be encoded in the keyboard at this frame
cv2.imshow('preview', cv2.resize(pre, (190*5, 60*5)))
if len(fps_data) > 1:
cv2.setWindowTitle('preview', f'Preview (FPS: {1/numpy.average(numpy.diff(fps_data))})')
#turns out even if i do translate this into a list of RGB instead of just directly send mats it still gives basically around the same fps
pixels = im
pixels = []
h, w, _ = im.shape
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
pixels.append(RGB(*im[y, x]))
#apply any adjustment needed to give true colors
dev.set_custom_light_effect(profile, PictureMatrix.pixel_matrix_to_keys(pixels), adjust=dev.ADJUST_RGB)
#apparently also works with static images
vid = cv2.VideoCapture(sys.argv[1])
#skip some frames so it's not too slow
#TODO make this less hardcoded - this value is from testing on my laptop with bad apple
AVG_FPS = 11
interval = vid.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FPS) // AVG_FPS
actual_fps = []
#this actually doesnt help that much it just gives like 1 more fps and takes a while to buffer :(
buf = []
count = 0
while vid.isOpened():
ret, frame =
if ret:
count += interval
vid.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, count)
print('Done. Starting player...')
for frame in buf:
set_frame(frame, actual_fps)
#get an averagable data before popping
if len(actual_fps) > 10:
count = 0
while vid.isOpened():
ret, frame =
if ret:
set_frame(frame, actual_fps)
count += interval
vid.set(cv2.CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES, count)
#get an averagable data before popping
if len(actual_fps) > 10:
#keep last frame until we manually quit
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 57fcf37..2412e47 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,55 +1,55 @@
- from lib.datatypes import * #local script
+try: #local script
+ from lib.datatypes import PictureMatrix, RGB, FusionLightData, FusionLightEffect, FusionLightColor, FusionLightDirection
from lib.device import get_device
-except ImportError:
- from .lib.datatypes import * #as a module
+except ImportError: #as a module
+ from .lib.datatypes import PictureMatrix, RGB, FusionLightData, FusionLightEffect, FusionLightColor, FusionLightDirection
from .lib.device import get_device
from cv2.typing import MatLike
import sys, cv2
For setting images in / switching between profiles.
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print(f'Usage: {__file__} <profile id> [image path]')
#only allow properly supported profile ids since theres not much point in supporting it especially when it gets reset after reboot
#(even though profile ids way higher than this is actually writable and persistent, see set_custom_light_effect comments)
profile = int(sys.argv[1])
if profile not in range(5):
raise TypeError()
print('Invalid profile given (must be from 0-4).')
dev = get_device()
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
#load a new image
def set_image(raw: MatLike) -> None:
pre = cv2.resize(raw, (19, 6), interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
im = cv2.cvtColor(pre, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
pixels = []
h, w, _ = im.shape
for y in range(h):
for x in range(w):
pixels.append(RGB(*im[y, x]))
#adjustment needed to give true colors (maybe it's just my keyboard)
dev.set_custom_light_effect(profile, PictureMatrix.pixel_matrix_to_keys(pixels), adjust=dev.ADJUST_RGB)
#at runtime this would not reload if we dont set_custom_light_effect so we need to do it anyways
#(unless we are not in any of the custom profiles then the last image will show up right when we do set_simple_light_effect)
load = PictureMatrix.from_bytes(dev.get_custom_light_effect(profile))
dev.set_custom_light_effect(profile, load)
dev.set_simple_light_effect(FusionLightData(FusionLightEffect.Custom1 + profile, 1, 255, FusionLightColor.White, FusionLightDirection.Left2Right))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index c7db826..e7406f2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
- from lib.datatypes import * #local script
+try: #local script
+ from lib.datatypes import PictureMatrix, RGB, FusionLightData, FusionLightEffect, FusionLightColor, FusionLightDirection
from lib.device import get_device
-except ImportError:
- from .lib.datatypes import * #as a module
+except ImportError: #as a module
+ from .lib.datatypes import PictureMatrix, RGB, FusionLightData, FusionLightEffect, FusionLightColor, FusionLightDirection
from .lib.device import get_device
dev = get_device()
#set simple effect
#print(dev.set_simple_light_effect(FusionLightData(FusionLightEffect.Wave, 1, 50, FusionLightColor.Random, FusionLightDirection.Right2Left)))
#print(dev.set_simple_light_effect(FusionLightData(FusionLightEffect.Static, 1, 50, FusionLightColor.White, FusionLightDirection.Right2Left)))
#get and set to verify if get is correctly implemented
# load = PictureMatrix.from_bytes(dev.get_custom_light_effect(1))
# print(load)
# dev.set_custom_light_effect(1, load)
#manually set color
mat = PictureMatrix([RGB(70, 255, 170) for i in range(105)]) #seems like the rgb algo in the keyboard firmware really sucks - this value seems more true white than anything (edit: it's actually known in the driver and has special cases)
dev.set_custom_light_effect(10, mat)
print(dev.set_simple_light_effect(FusionLightData(FusionLightEffect.Custom1+10, 1, 255, FusionLightColor.Random, FusionLightDirection.Left2Right)))
#test reset (seems like after reset if we set the light effect to custom profiles without data it would crash? not if we immediately set the profile afterwards tho)
#also seems like if we change profiles right(? seems to last longer than 100ms for sure) after reset some data (e.g wave direction and speed) would get reset
# print(dev.reset())
# print(dev.set_simple_light_effect(FusionLightData(FusionLightEffect.Static, 2, 255, FusionLightColor.White, FusionLightDirection.Up2Down)))
\ No newline at end of file

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 15, 7:42 PM (1 d, 8 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline