Page MenuHomedesp's stash

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diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3b986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d4193a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+import sys
+import weasyprint
+import re
+import logging
+override_css = ['override.css'] #user style; recommended to at least set @page css attribute to fit the site you are scraping better
+output_pdf = 'output.pdf'
+debug = False
+#weasyprint <=52.2 might result in broken pdf if there are custom fonts apparently
+ <scope> <url1> [url2] [url3]...
+#crawls a site and turn included pages into pdf according to the regex scope specified
+#init vars
+resolved_urls = []
+ scope = sys.argv[1] #scope in regex
+ urls = sys.argv[2:] #initial urls
+ if(len(urls) == 0):
+ raise IndexError()
+ for css in override_css: #check file existence
+ with open(css) as f:
+ continue
+except IOError:
+ print('invalid user css file(s) specified, ignoring...')
+ override_css = None
+except IndexError:
+ print('Please enter both the regex scope and the url to fetch!')
+ print('Syntax: <scope> <url1> [url2] [url3]...')
+ quit()
+def merge_pdf(base_doc, new_doc):
+ if(new_doc != None):
+ base_doc.metadata.attachments += new_doc.metadata.attachments
+ base_doc.pages += new_doc.pages
+ return base_doc
+#shouldnt need timeout to avoid rate limit - rendering takes a lot of time already; just do it sync
+def resolve_into_pdf(url):
+ print('resolving ' + url + '...')
+ try:
+ doc = weasyprint.HTML(url).render(stylesheets=override_css, optimize_images=True, presentational_hints=True)
+ except weasyprint.urls.URLFetchingError as e:
+ print('failed to fetch - ' + str(e))
+ return None
+ for link in sum([x[0] for x in weasyprint.document.resolve_links(doc.pages)], []): #flatten list of page tuples of list of link tuples, concatenate then iterate
+ if(link[0] == 'external'):
+ new_url = link[1].split('#')[0] #remove fragment identifier as it will be the same page
+ if(new_url not in resolved_urls and re.match(scope, new_url)): #prevent infinite recursion; do not resolve if external (not in scope)
+ #if servers allow multiple urls to the same page this might result in duplicates (e.g. foo/index.html and foo/)
+ resolved_urls.append(new_url)
+ try:
+ print('from ' + url, end=' ') #prepend additional info about traversal to output
+ doc = merge_pdf(doc, resolve_into_pdf(new_url))
+ except AssertionError: #might be non html files that we accidentally run into; still its recommended to include some sort of check in scope
+ continue
+ return doc
+if debug:
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
+ weasyprint.LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ weasyprint.PROGRESS_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ weasyprint.LOGGER.addHandler(handler)
+ weasyprint.PROGRESS_LOGGER.addHandler(handler)
+root_doc = resolve_into_pdf(urls[0]) #initial pdf to append pages on
+#resolve additional urls if any
+for url in urls[1:]: #no need checking as sublists does not throw error but returns empty list if out of bounds
+ root_doc = merge_pdf(root_doc, resolve_into_pdf(url))
+print('writing pdf...')
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..903bc77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+import sys
+import weasyprint
+import re
+import PyPDF2
+import io
+import logging
+override_css = ['override.css'] #user style; recommended to at least set @page css attribute to fit the site you are scraping better
+output_pdf = 'output.pdf'
+debug = False
+#weasyprint <=52.2 might result in broken pdf if there are custom fonts apparently
+#weasyprint merging using docs.pages doesnt always work well - some text gets broken so this version utilizes pypdf2;
+#even then, there might be patches needed in pypdf2 to read the non standard pdfs generated by weasyprint sometimes: - in b_(s): `r = s.encode('latin-1')` -> `r = s.encode('UTF-8')` - in getOutlines(self, node=None, outlines=None): add try catch statement to `node = node["/Next"]` and break if encounter ValueError
+ <scope> <url1> [url2] [url3]...
+#crawls a site and turn included pages into pdf according to the regex scope specified using pypdf2 merging
+#init vars
+resolved_urls = []
+ scope = sys.argv[1] #scope in regex
+ urls = sys.argv[2:] #initial urls
+ if(len(urls) == 0):
+ raise IndexError()
+ for css in override_css: #check file existence
+ with open(css) as f:
+ continue
+except IOError:
+ print('invalid user css file(s) specified, ignoring...')
+ override_css = None
+except IndexError:
+ print('Please enter both the regex scope and the url to fetch!')
+ print('Syntax: <scope> <url1> [url2] [url3]...')
+ quit()
+#recursive merging to maintain order and to avoid problems with too many merged pdfs in a single merger
+def merge_pdf(base_pdf_stream, new_pdf_stream):
+ if(new_pdf_stream == None):
+ return base_pdf_stream
+ merger = PyPDF2.PdfFileMerger(strict=False) #needed or else some pdfs wont be read
+ merger.append(base_pdf_stream)
+ merger.append(new_pdf_stream)
+ merge_stream = io.BytesIO()
+ merger.write(merge_stream)
+ base_pdf_stream.close()
+ new_pdf_stream.close()
+ merger.close()
+ return merge_stream
+#shouldnt need timeout to avoid rate limit - rendering takes a lot of time already; just do it sync
+def resolve_into_pdf(url):
+ print('resolving ' + url + '...')
+ try:
+ doc = weasyprint.HTML(url).render(stylesheets=override_css, optimize_images=True, presentational_hints=True)
+ stream = io.BytesIO(doc.write_pdf())
+ except weasyprint.urls.URLFetchingError as e:
+ print('failed to fetch - ' + str(e))
+ return None
+ for link in sum([x[0] for x in weasyprint.document.resolve_links(doc.pages)], []): #flatten list of page tuples of list of link tuples, concatenate then iterate
+ if(link[0] == 'external'):
+ new_url = link[1].split('#')[0] #remove fragment identifier as it will be the same page
+ if(new_url not in resolved_urls and re.match(scope, new_url)): #prevent infinite recursion; do not resolve if external (not in scope)
+ #if servers allow multiple urls to the same page this might result in duplicates (e.g. foo/index.html and foo/)
+ resolved_urls.append(new_url)
+ try:
+ print('from ' + url, end=' ') #prepend additional info about traversal to output
+ stream = merge_pdf(stream, resolve_into_pdf(new_url))
+ except AssertionError: #might be non html files that we accidentally run into; still its recommended to include some sort of check in scope
+ continue
+ return stream
+if debug:
+ handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
+ handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'))
+ weasyprint.LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ weasyprint.PROGRESS_LOGGER.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ weasyprint.LOGGER.addHandler(handler)
+ weasyprint.PROGRESS_LOGGER.addHandler(handler)
+root_stream = resolve_into_pdf(urls[0]) #initial pdf to append pages on
+#resolve additional urls if any
+for url in urls[1:]: #no need checking as sublists does not throw error but returns empty list if out of bounds
+ root_stream = merge_pdf(root_stream, resolve_into_pdf(url))
+print('writing pdf...')
+with open(output_pdf, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(root_stream.getbuffer())

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Sep 21, 1:16 AM (20 h, 37 m)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline