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+from bs4 import *
+import discord, requests
+from discord.ext import commands, tasks
+from discord import ui
+from collections import defaultdict
+import json, logging, asyncio, random, re
+#for getting members from to dm, otherwise use intents.members
+GUILD = int(open('guild.txt').read())
+intents = discord.Intents.default()
+intents.message_content = True
+#intents.members = True #makes things way too slow so we bind to guild instead
+bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='.pinger ', intents=intents)
+logger = logging.getLogger('discord').getChild('ubcpinger')
+# helper for easier access of data in json
+class coursedict(defaultdict):
+ __getattr__ = dict.get
+ __setattr__ = dict.__setitem__
+ __delattr__ = dict.__delitem__
+ #recursively convert all dicts/list into defattrdicts
+ def convert(self, data):
+ iter = data.items() if isinstance(data, dict) else enumerate(data)
+ for key, val in iter:
+ if type(val) in [dict, list]:
+ if type(val) == dict:
+ data[key] = coursedict(val)
+ self.convert(data[key])
+ def __init__(self, data: dict):
+ super().__init__(lambda: '', data)
+ self.convert(self)
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ if self.subj:
+ s = f'{self.subj} {self.crsno}'
+ if self.section:
+ s += f' (section mode)'
+ else:
+ #funny ljust needed in actv so strip is needed to revert it on show
+ s += f', search:' + ' '.join([f'{k}={str(v).strip()}' for k,v in self if v and k not in ['metadata', 'subj', 'crsno']])
+ return s
+ else:
+ return dict.__repr__(self)
+ #remove the default factory print
+ __repr__ = dict.__repr__
+ #implicitly allow iter on items()
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.items().__iter__()
+def get_data():
+ with open('courses.json') as f:
+ data =
+ return coursedict(json.loads(data)) if data else {}
+def set_data(obj):
+ with open('courses.json', 'w') as data:
+ data.write(json.dumps(obj, indent=2))
+def try_ping(pinger: coursedict):
+ optional = lambda fmtstr, *data: fmtstr.format(*data) if all(d for d in data) else ''
+ #must include user agent, accept, content type (if post), otherwise ssc will complain
+ #if no pname+tname specified, session cookie is needed to avoid "Please wait while your request is processed - this may take up to a minute to complete."
+ headers = {
+ "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/114.0",
+ "Accept": "text/html",
+ }
+ if pinger.section: #section mode
+ doc = requests.get(''
+ f'&dept={pinger.subj}'
+ f'&course={pinger.crsno}'
+ + optional('&sessyr={}&sesscd={}', pinger.sessyr, pinger.sesscd), headers=headers).text
+ else: #search mode
+ reqdata = dict(pinger) #make a copy and remove metadata
+ del reqdata['metadata']
+ #no need to explicitly set content type if we set data= alr since requests does that for us
+ doc ='',
+ data=reqdata,
+ headers=headers).text
+ #they both use the same system to display sections
+ soup = BeautifulSoup(doc, 'html.parser')
+ ret = {}
+ #remove thead, since we cant search directly with tbody as its doesnt necessarily exist in the doc
+ soup.select_one('.section-summary thead').clear()
+ for child in'.section-summary tr'):
+ section = child.select_one("td:nth-of-type(2) a")
+ status = child.select_one("td:nth-of-type(1)").text
+ ret[section.text] = '' + section['href'], (status if status != '\xa0' and status.strip() else 'PING')
+ return ret
+#done make this a dict instead so its unique? this would remove the need of a "add myself to existing courses" button
+#it should be pretty simple to just match the basics but more optimization (like catching CPSC 110 101 == CPSC 110 1*) might be hard
+#and its practically impossible to actually figure out whether a search includes a specific section programmatically
+#actually it might be possible if i do a ping once and check if theres a strict superset/subset of the current object
+#still gonna be hard to optimize for pingers that span across multiple pingers
+def add_course(obj):
+ data = get_data()
+ contains the entire list of sections that can be pinged through this pinger
+ #whereas obj.metadata.user[0].list contains the wanted list of sections (same for search mode, likely smaller for section mode)
+ #ping, check against existing pingers' course list (in metadata), if matches merge
+ resp = try_ping(obj)
+ if resp:
+ = list(resp.keys())
+ #populate user.list to signify which part of the pinger should trigger a ping
+ obj.metadata.user[0].list = list(
+ if obj.section: #do filtering (only needed in section mode, search mode is already filtered by ssc)
+ check = re.compile(f'{obj.subj} {obj.crsno} {obj.section.replace("*", ".*")}')
+ obj.metadata.user[0].list = [c for c in obj.metadata.user[0].list if check.match(c)]
+ #after we sort through that section should not be bound to a specific section now since the data is in user.list
+ #we do need to set data though to allow other things (e.g. try_ping) to match on whether its in search or section mode
+ obj.section = True
+ courses = set(obj.metadata.user[0].list)
+ #now we have the proper name for the pinger
+ name = str(obj)
+'Adding {name} to the pingers...')
+ merged = False
+ for pinger_name, pinger_obj in data: #defattrdict not only for easier editing but also for copying for iteration
+ against = set(
+ #only check merging if they are the same session
+ if pinger_obj.sessyr == obj.sessyr and pinger_obj.sesscd == obj.sesscd:
+ #there should only be one of the cases below: either existing pinger(s) are subsets of the current one, or this pinger is a subset of an existing pinger
+ #otherwise it shouldve been optimized out since it is sequentially added and this optimzation runs every time
+ if courses.issuperset(against):
+' Optimization: merging {pinger_name} into {name}')
+ obj.metadata.user += pinger_obj.metadata.user
+ del data[pinger_name]
+ elif against.issuperset(courses):
+ #this should be a terminating action to avoid adding it into multiple pingers when one is already handling it
+ #(think of a case where existing courses are [1234, 1256] and our pinger is [12] - 2 pingers match, but only 1 is needed)
+ pinger_obj.metadata.user += obj.metadata.user
+' Optimization: merging {name} into {pinger_name}')
+ name = pinger_name
+ merged = True
+ break
+ if not merged:
+ data[name] = obj
+ set_data(data)
+ #returns the list of courses this pinger will ping, and the name (changed if merged)
+ return name, "\n".join(obj.metadata.user[0].list)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('No sections found!')
+#done add ppl to existing pingers? see above
+#done optimization for when multiple people are looking at the same course but want different sections pinged (and not all of them)
+#TODO currently the way courses in section mode are handled means that they basically dont get optimized into search modes
+#it would be better if tracks the total set of courses its users are pinging instead,
+#and then have the optimizer do special code on reading section mode to not match on the courses in the list, but on the course names
+#aka if everything a user is pinging has the same prefix of CPSC 110 for example,
+#then just throw it into CPSC 110 section mode regardless even if currently the CPSC 110 does not have it
+#this means that the following has to be changed:
+# - instead of = list(resp.keys()), do = <total of all user lists>
+# - at the superset checks, add check on whether everything being added is in the same course, and if there is a course pinger in section mode for that already
+def get_pingers_with_user(id):
+ ret = []
+ for name, pinger in get_data():
+ for user in pinger.metadata.user:
+ if == id:
+ ret.append(name)
+ break
+ return ret
+def opt(label, default=False):
+ return discord.SelectOption(label=label, default=default)
+class AddCourseDuration(ui.Modal, title='Enter the time range to search for'):
+ duration = ui.TextInput(label='Duration', placeholder='class duration (from-to, HHMM), e.g. 1000-1300, 1000-, -1300', min_length=5, max_length=9, required=False)
+ async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
+ #set default val for duration for next open
+ self.duration.default = self.duration.value
+ await interaction.response.defer()
+class AddCourseSearch(discord.ui.View):
+ #put in class to allow default changing on callback
+ #type opts is way too long, so some of the little used ones are truncated (opt("Reserved Section"),opt("Optional Section"),opt("Independent Study")
+ #TODO reorder to make it easier to search for the main ones? rn its alph order
+ type_opts = [opt("Directed Studies"),opt("Discussion"),opt("Essay/Report"),opt("Exchange Program"),opt("Experiential"),opt("Field Trip"),opt("Flexible Learning"),opt("Lab-Seminar"),opt("Laboratory"),opt("Lecture"),opt("Lecture-Discussion"),opt("Lecture-Laboratory"),opt("Lecture-Seminar"),opt("Practicum"),opt("Problem Session"),opt("Project"),opt("Rehearsal"),opt("Research"),opt("Seminar"),opt("Studio"),opt("Thesis"),opt("Tutorial"),opt("Waiting List"),opt("Work Placement"),opt("Workshop")]
+ term_opts = [opt("Term 1"), opt("Term 2"), opt("Term 1-2")]
+ #TODO remove sunday and saturday? oh actually there are a lot of courses on those days huh
+ days_opts = [opt("Sunday"), opt("Monday"), opt("Tuesday"), opt("Wednesday"), opt("Thursday"), opt("Friday"), opt("Saturday")]
+ cred_opts = [opt(str(i+1)) for i in range(6)] #pretty sure only 6 is allowed
+ term_menu = ui.Select(placeholder='Term', options=term_opts, min_values=0, row=3, custom_id='ubcpinger-search-days-term-menu')
+ days_menu = ui.Select(placeholder='Days', options=days_opts, min_values=0, max_values=7, row=2, custom_id='ubcpinger-search-days-menu')
+ type_menu = ui.Select(placeholder='Type', options=type_opts, min_values=0, row=3, custom_id='ubcpinger-search-days-type-menu')
+ term_menu = ui.Select(placeholder='Term', options=term_opts, min_values=0, row=3, custom_id='ubcpinger-search-days-term-menu')
+ cred_menu = ui.Select(placeholder='Credits', options=cred_opts, min_values=0, row=3, custom_id='ubcpinger-search-days-cred-menu')
+ def __init__(self, base):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.base = base
+ self.dur = AddCourseDuration()
+ async def change_menu(self, item: discord.ui.Select, interaction: discord.Interaction):
+ #remove opened menus
+ for i in self.children:
+ if isinstance(i, discord.ui.Select):
+ self.remove_item(i)
+ if item:
+ self.add_item(item)
+ await interaction.response.edit_message(view=self)
+ async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
+ #set default and close menu as response; we can extract the data later on done
+ if 'custom_id' in and '-menu' in['custom_id']:
+ #really hacky but im also too sleepy to actually figure this out lmao
+ for opt in getattr(self,['custom_id'].split('-')[2] + '_opts'):
+ #seems like setting default doesnt really work for the single option dropdowns which kinda checks out but hmmm
+ if opt.label in['values']:
+ opt.default = True
+ else:
+ #remember to reset too
+ opt.default = False
+ await self.change_menu(None, interaction)
+ return False
+ return True
+ @discord.ui.button(label='Days', custom_id='ubcpinger-search-days', style = discord.ButtonStyle.primary)
+ async def days(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
+ await self.change_menu(self.days_menu, interaction)
+ @discord.ui.button(label='Type', custom_id='ubcpinger-search-type', style = discord.ButtonStyle.primary)
+ async def type(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
+ await self.change_menu(self.type_menu, interaction)
+ @discord.ui.button(label='Term', custom_id='ubcpinger-search-term', style = discord.ButtonStyle.primary)
+ async def term(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
+ await self.change_menu(self.term_menu, interaction)
+ @discord.ui.button(label='Credits', custom_id='ubcpinger-search-cred', row=1, style = discord.ButtonStyle.primary)
+ async def cred(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
+ await self.change_menu(self.cred_menu, interaction)
+ @discord.ui.button(label='Done', custom_id='ubcpinger-search-done', row=1, style = discord.ButtonStyle.success)
+ async def done(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
+ try:
+ optional = lambda data: data.values[0] if data.values else ''
+ #most of these values are selected for us already so no need to parse
+ #since we set default on callback that is basically the canonical value of whether the day is selected
+ #also make it a dict for easier shoving in through kwargs in the pinger loop
+ days = {f'DAY{i+1}': True for i, o in enumerate(self.days_opts) if o.default}
+ stime, etime = self.dur.duration.value.split('-') if self.dur.duration.value else '', ''
+ obj = coursedict({
+ 'subj': self.base.subj.value,
+ 'crsno': self.base.course.value,
+ #note how theres no section
+ 'credit': optional(self.cred_menu),
+ 'stime': stime,
+ 'etime': etime,
+ **days,
+ **self.base.sesobj,
+ 'actv': optional(self.type_menu).ljust(50),
+ 'term': optional(self.term_menu),
+ 'metadata': {'user': [{'id':, 'list': None}]}
+ })
+ #delegate name setting to defattrdict formatting
+ name, added = add_course(obj)
+ #edit the menu instead of sending another ephemeral msg since we cant delete the old one
+ #TODO figure out a better way to print since ill be using that to show a dropdown menu for the removal ui too
+ await interaction.response.edit_message(content=f'The pinger `{name}` is now tracking the requested classes! This includes the following:\n```\n{added}\n```\nYou will now get pinged when it opens up.', view=None)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error('AddCourseSearch fail:', exc_info=e)
+ await interaction.response.edit_message(content=f'Something went wrong (likely wrong params): {type(e)}\n{e}', view=None)
+ #at the end to wrap it around nicer
+ @discord.ui.button(label='Time range', custom_id='ubcpinger-search-duration', row=1, style = discord.ButtonStyle.primary)
+ async def duration(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
+ await interaction.response.send_modal(self.dur)
+class AddCourseBase(ui.Modal, title='Add a course to ping'):
+ subj = ui.TextInput(label='Subject', placeholder='e.g. CPSC, CP*', min_length=1, max_length=4)
+ course = ui.TextInput(label='Course no.', placeholder='e.g. 110, 1*', min_length=1, max_length=3)
+ section = ui.TextInput(label='Section', placeholder='e.g. 101, T2*, 10*/201/T1D, leave blank to open search menu', min_length=1, max_length=3, required=False)
+ session = ui.TextInput(label='Session', placeholder='e.g. 2022S, 2023W, defaults to coming session', min_length=5, max_length=5, required=False)
+ async def on_submit(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
+ try:
+ #response in this case is the same msg as the button, dont do anything to it
+ await interaction.response.defer()
+ #parse session
+ self.sesobj = {}
+ if self.session.value:
+ self.sesobj = {
+ 'sessyr': self.session.value[:4],
+ 'sesscd': self.session.value[-1],
+ }
+ if not self.section.value:
+ #discord doesnt allow us to send another modal right away? (yep check InteractionResponseType, 9 is modal and not in the list)
+ await interaction.followup.send('Configure the search parameters below:', view=AddCourseSearch(self), ephemeral=True)
+ else:
+ if '*' in self.subj.value or '*' in self.course.value:
+ await interaction.response.send_message('Wildcards for subject and courses are not allowed in section mode! Leave section blank to do a broad search.', ephemeral=True)
+ return
+ obj = coursedict({
+ 'subj': self.subj.value,
+ 'crsno': self.course.value,
+ #even though we dont actually use the wildcard we need to differentiate between no section and a fully wildcard section so dont remove yet
+ 'section': self.section.value,
+ **self.sesobj,
+ 'metadata': {'user': [{'id':, 'list': None}]}
+ })
+ name, added = add_course(obj)
+ await interaction.followup.send(f'The pinger `{name}` is now tracking the requested classes! This includes the following:\n```\n{added}\n```\nYou will now get pinged when it opens up.', ephemeral=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error('AddCourseBase fail:', exc_info=e)
+ await interaction.followup.send(content=f'Something went wrong (likely wrong params): {type(e)}\n{e}', ephemeral=True)
+#TODO dm option? or maybe just only allow dms (iirc the reason why i dont dm is coz theres no mechanism to dm multiple ppl or sth so i just send a single msg to ping everyone)
+class RemoveCourseList(ui.View):
+ #i love python asyncio : ) why the fuck
+ @classmethod
+ async def create(self, user):
+ if not await bot.is_owner(user):
+ pingers = [opt(s) for s in get_pingers_with_user(]
+ else:
+ pingers = [opt(s) for s in get_data().keys()]
+ return RemoveCourseList(user, pingers)
+ def __init__(self, user, pingers):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.user = user
+ = ui.Select(placeholder='Pinger', options=pingers, min_values=1, max_values=len(pingers), custom_id='ubcpinger-remove-menu')
+ self.add_item(
+ async def interaction_check(self, interaction: discord.Interaction):
+ if 'custom_id' in and['custom_id'] == 'ubcpinger-remove-menu':
+ data = get_data()
+ for name in['values']:
+ #if bot owner, on remove of pinger with own id added, remove normally; else remove the entire thing
+ removed = False
+ for user in data[name].metadata.user:
+ if ==
+ data[name].metadata.user.remove(user)
+ removed = True
+ #if empty pinger, remove the entire pinger
+ if not data[name].metadata.user:
+"{data[name]} is now empty, removing...")
+ del data[name]
+ break
+ if not removed:
+ if == bot.owner_id:
+ del data[name]
+ else:
+ logger.error(f'Something pretty wrong happened: {data} does not have {} even though on setup it had')
+ set_data(data)
+ pinger_names = "\n".join(['values'])
+ await interaction.response.edit_message(content=f"Successfully removed you from these pingers:\n```\n{pinger_names}\n```", view=None)
+class CourseButtons(discord.ui.View):
+ @discord.ui.button(label="Add course",, custom_id='ubcpinger-add')
+ async def add(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
+ await interaction.response.send_modal(AddCourseBase())
+ @discord.ui.button(label="Remove course",, custom_id='ubcpinger-remove')
+ async def remove(self, interaction: discord.Interaction, button: discord.ui.Button):
+ await interaction.response.defer()
+ await interaction.followup.send("Choose a course to remove:", view=await RemoveCourseList.create(interaction.user), ephemeral=True)
+#done remove button (only allow ppl to remove their own, except if user id matches me so i can actually do cleanup and stuff without going into the server)
+#TODO button for viewing what courses you get pinged for in a pinger? rn its not too descriptive since the optimizer makes it the broadest possible
[email protected](seconds=1)
+async def pinger():
+ try:
+ obj = get_data()
+ if not obj:
+ return
+ #obj is a mapping of pingers against its name
+ for pinger_name, pinger_obj in obj:
+ logger.debug(f'In {pinger_name}:')
+ courses = try_ping(pinger_obj)
+ for user in pinger_obj.metadata.user:
+ for course in user.list:
+ url, status = courses[course]
+ logger.debug(f' {course}: {status} ({})')
+ if status == 'PING':
+ #create dm short circuits if dm is found
+ dm = await bot.get_guild(GUILD).get_member(
+ #done button to ssc
+ view = ui.View()
+ view.add_item(discord.ui.Button(label='Get me to SSC', url=url, style=discord.ButtonStyle.primary))
+ await dm.send(f'## wake up `{course}` is currently open', view=view)
+ await asyncio.sleep(random.uniform(4, 7)) #total 4-7 secs
+ except Exception as e:
+ logger.error("Something went wrong during pinging:", exc_info=e)
+ #hope that 10s later something fixes itself
+ asyncio.sleep(10)
[email protected]
+async def on_ready():
+'Logged on as {bot.user}')
+ buttons = CourseButtons(timeout=None)
+ bot.add_view(buttons)
+ pinger.start()
+#touch if not exist
+open('courses.json', 'a').close()

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Sep 21, 6:50 PM (1 d, 18 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline