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diff --git a/messages.yml b/messages.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a938ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/messages.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# -------------------------------
+# HLR v1.2.2 message file
+# Created by despawningbone
+# -------------------------------
+# Here you can set the prefix that will appear before every message this plugin sends.
+#Prefix: "" # use this if you do not need any prefixes.
+Prefix: "&8[&6HLR&8] "
+# Here you can set the command response messages sent by the plugin.
+# Available placeholders:
+# %hoppername% - custom hopper name
+# %fee% - transaction fee if set
+# %maxamount% - max amount of hoppers that can be converted at once
+# %chunklimit% - max amount of tweaked hoppers in one chunk
+# Message specific placeholders:
+# %player% - recipient name (GiveHopper), sender name (ReceiveHopper)
+# %amount% - amount of hoppers (GiveHopper, ReceiveHopper)
+ ConvertCmd:
+ PlayerUseOnly: "&cThis is a player only command."
+ NoPermsConvert: "&cYou don't have permissions to do that."
+ NoMoneyConvert: "&cYou don't have enough money to convert the hopper."
+ ConvertSuccess: "&aSuccessfully converted the hopper to a %hoppername%&a!"
+ TransactionCost: "&9This transaction cost you &6$&a%fee%&9."
+ ConvertedHopper: "&cYou have already converted the hopper."
+ NotHoldingHopper: "&cYou are not holding a hopper right now."
+ StillCoolingDown: "&cThis command is still cooling down."
+ TooMuchHopperAtOnce: "&cYou cannot convert more than &e%maxamount% &choppers at once."
+ SubCmds:
+ NoPermsReload: "&cYou do not have the permission to use this command."
+ ReloadedPlugin: "&9HLR has been reloaded."
+ UnknownArgument: "&cUnknown argument. Please type /HLR help for the help menu."
+ GiveCmd:
+ GiveHopper: "&6You gave %player% %amount% %hoppername%."
+ ReceiveHopper: "&6You have received %amount% %hoppername% from %player%."
+ ReceiveHopperFromConsole: "&6You have received %amount% %hoppername%&6."
+ GiveToSelf: "&6You got %amount% %hoppername%&6."
+ InvalidAmount: "&cThe amount you have entered is invalid."
+ PlayerNotFound: "&cThe player specified is either not online or invalid."
+ NoRecipient: "&cPlease enter the person you want to give the tweaked hopper to."
+ NoPermsGive: "&cYou do not have the permission to use this command."
+ Listener:
+ PlacedHopper: "&eYou placed a %hoppername%&e!"
+ DestroyedHopper: "&cYou destroyed a %hoppername%&c!"
+ NotEnabledInWorld: "%hoppername% &cis not enabled in this world!"
+ HopperLimitReached: "&cThe %hoppername% &climit of &e%chunklimit%&c per chunk has been reached."
+ Timer:
+ CanUseConvertCmd: "&eYou can now use /converthopper again."

File Metadata

Mime Type
Sat, Mar 15, 7:19 PM (1 d, 9 h)
Storage Engine
Storage Format
Raw Data
Storage Handle

Event Timeline